
Survivance / New Alphabet School

6-14 July 2020
Oporto, Bissau & Bubaque

In collaboration with Karrabing Film Collective, The New Alphabet School, HKW – Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Escola das Artes, Universidade Católica do Porto

In the flow of the deliberately imprecise term cornerstoned by Gerald Vizenor, this workshop will convoke the term Survivance as “an active sense of presence, the continuance of native stories, not a mere reaction, or a survivable name. Native survivance stories are renunciations of dominance, tragedy and victimry”. Set up in Porto & Bissau, this gathering will bring together the Cadjigue association, Geba Filmes and the Karrabing Film Collective in an exchange of practices and living conditions, to expand on concepts of Survivance as a medium for investigating contemporary social conditions of inequality and as a ritual for environmental and social justice.

Unfortunately, the project had to be postponed due to COVID 19 Pandemic. We are working on a new proposal, more soon.
