
50 years of cinema

10-12 September 2022
Mediateca Onshore, Malafo

Luta ca caba inda is the motto for us to continue in this adventure of dreaming and borrowing dreams from other dreamers. From the first image of Amílcar Cabral in 1972, made by Sana na N’hada, to his most recent film produced in 2022 were long years; from the beginning of the construction of the Guinean cinema to the construction of the Malafo archive were long dreams; from Enxalé to Malafo is not so long the distance, but joining Farim, Berlin, Bissau, Porto, Lisbon, Sonaco and Malafo only shows how small the world is when shared in large. The Mediateca Onshore, is a space germinated from the collaboration between Geba Filmes, the Malafo Community and other friends to create access to the audiovisual archive of the Liberation Struggle, and the much dreamt of Malafo’s library (the Bibliotera), blossoming into a space of encounters beyond the first seeds. In Abotcha, which means “on the land” in Balanta, other forms of culture, agriculture and sculpture of the soul are always present, as well as other forms of contemporary mediations and medianic transmissions of knowledge. It is in this spirit that we invite you to celebrate with us 50 years of cinema in Guinea Bissau and the inauguration of the Mediateca Onshore the beginning of a new journey on this old path of land and struggle ca caba inda.

Support PROCULTURA financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Camões Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
