
The archive is not over yet

19-27 November 2023
Abotcha – Mediateca Onshore

A six-day open workshop where the living memory of Sana Na N´Hada will be safeguarded in the first digital film catalog of the INCA archive. From 10-12 September 2022 Mediateca Abotcha celebrated its inauguration with the Malago community, guests and the Geba Films Cooperative. A media archive open-source software was implemented to organize the audiovisual collection. Once now that the entire collection of the Guinean Film Institute has its digital catalog, the hows, the whys, the means of filling the metadata -the main inherent information of every oeuvre- will be followed step-by-step while having conversations with one of the very first filmmakers of the Guinean liberation struggle. By Melina Pafundi.

Melina Pafundi was born in Mar del Plata, Argentina. She studied film and video direction, philosophy and fine arts. She worked as a film archive restorer at the Buenos Aires Film Museum, Pablo C. Ducrós Hicken. Since 2016, Melina has been living and working in Berlin as a director, film restorer and lecturer. She has worked as an AD with directors Franz Müller and Ilaria Di Carlo. In 2017 she became a member of the independent, non-commercial, and collective film laboratory Labor Berlin e.V. She has organized screenings and workshops at Evas Obdach, a shelter for homeless women in Berlin-Neukölln. She has taught the ‘Home Movie Making’ module at the Ruhr University Bochum, and since 2019 she has also been part of the Kinozauber Film Atelier, a film education program of the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Videoart e.V. Together with Geba Films Coop. and Abotcha Mediateca in Malafo, Guinea-Bissau, Melina is helping to build a catalog of the very first films made by Guinean filmmakers. She collaborates internationally with Norwegian, Portuguese, Guinean, German, Latvian, and Argentinean artists. Pafundi´s work was shown internationally in film festivals such as: Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2019, BFI Flare London LGBTQ+ Film Festival. 2020, Philosophical Film Festival. 2020, Dortmund | Cologne International Women’s Film Festival. 2020, Women Make Waves International FF. Taiwan (2020, FIDBA Buenos Aires. Argentina 2020, This Human World Int’l Human Rights Film Festival. Austria 2021, Bangalore Queer Film Festival. India 2020; among others. Melina is currently writing and working on her debut feature film based on the audiovisual archive of Berlin’s Dahlem Ethnographic Museum.

Action funded by the European Union. Action co-financed and managed by Camões I.P.. Action co-funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Travel support German Filmes & AG DOK.
